Gear up detroit! free real estate LUNCHEON

Herb Strather is looking to create a team of real estate developers to help lead the charge of redeveloping Detroit's communities.  He has decided to hold a luncheon specifically for individuals looking to be a part of this movement. If interested, please fill out this form to RSVP, read through the first chapter of the Home Study Course, and fill out the goal setting worksheet.  All attendees must either email their goal setting worksheet or bring a copy with them to the lunch.  Mr. Strather is eagerly anticipating your attendance and looks forward to answering any real estate related questions. See you this Saturday!

*Please email completed goal setting worksheet to* 


Where: Tower Center, 15400 Grand River, 2nd Floor, Detroit, MI 48227 (Intersection of Grand River and Greenfield)

When: Saturday, June 24, 2017 1:00pm - 3:00pm